French students

Pursue your post-secondary studies in French.

Étudier en français, c’est enrichissant ! Découvrez les possibilités.

There are a range of opportunities to continue studying in French after graduating from high school. Whether you want to pursue a whole degree in French, become a French teacher, or simply maintain or improve your French language skills while pursuing a different area of study, there’s something for everyone! Discover the different options available in B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions. 

Please note: Not all programs listed are available for application through EducationPlannerBC. Please review the information provided on the institution’s website for details on how to enroll. 


Study in French

French is a primary language of over 64,000 people in British Columbia. With French programs in virtually every region of the province, here are some reasons why you should consider pursuing your studies in French in B.C.

Trouvez votre parcours.


Explore French programs offered in B.C.’s public post-secondary institutions.

Departments with French Programs

Programs, Undergraduate - Major

Programs, Undergraduate - Minor

Programs, Undergraduate - Honours

Programs, Undergraduate - Associate Degree

Programs, Undergraduate - Diploma & Certificate

Become a French Teacher - Teach in French

French Education Studies & Professional Development for In-Service Teachers

Programs, Graduate - Master's Degree

Programs, Graduate - Doctoral Degree

Scholarships & awards

Learn about scholarships and awards available exclusively to students who have completed the Francophone or French Immersion high school programs and students pursuing French studies in post-secondary.

Scholarships & awards

Career resources

Learn about career opportunities in Canada’s two official languages. Bilingual employees are in high demand! Did you know that employees who speak both official languages at work can often earn a higher salary than their unilingual colleagues? Check out the following job boards and resources to learn more about careers that utilize your French language skills.

Guide de ressources postsecondaires offert par le Conseil jeunesse francophone de la C.B.