Doctors of osteopathic medicine

Strong job outlook


Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine

This group performs some or all of the following duties:

  • Doctors of podiatric medicine

  • Diagnose diseases, deformities and injuries of the human foot and communicate diagnoses to patients

  • Treat patients using braces, casts, shields, orthotic devices, physical therapy, or prescribed medications

  • May also perform surgery on the bones of the forefoot and the subcutaneous soft tissues of the foot.

  • Chiropodists and diploma or first-degree trained podiatrists

  • Diagnose diseases, deformities and injuries of the human foot

  • Treat patients using braces, casts, shields, orthotic devices, physical therapy and subcutaneous soft-tissue foot surgery.

  • Doctors of naturopathic medicine

  • Diagnose patients' diseases and disorders

  • Employ natural methods of healing such as acupuncture and acupressure, spinal manipulation, reflexology, hydrotherapy, herbal medicines, biochemical therapy, clinical nutrition, homeopathy and counselling in their treatment.

  • Doctors of osteopathic medicine

  • Diagnose disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal, circulatory and nervous systems

  • Treat patients with manipulative therapy, medications or surgery.

Job titles

  • chiropodist
  • doctor of naturopathic medicine
  • doctor of naturopathy
  • doctor of osteopathic medicine
  • doctor of osteopathy
  • doctor of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.)

Employment prospects

Source: BC Labour Market Outlook 2023 edition
The labour market information for this career is aggregate data for Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating

Annual salary







Job openings

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Strong job outlook

British Columbia


expected job openings (5-year forecast)

Education and training

Employment requirements

  • Doctors of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.)

  • A four-year doctoral degree program in podiatric medicine available in the United States and in Quebec, normally following completion of a bachelor's degree program, is required.

  • A medical residency is required in Alberta and British Columbia.

Additional information

  • Chiropodist and podiatrist titles are used interchangeably, depending on the province or territory. The use of the podiatrist job title does not necessarily refer to doctors of podiatric medicine (D.P.M.).

  • Doctors of osteopathic medicine may obtain a licence as general practitioners.

Certification requirements

Mandatory: You need the following certifications to practice as Doctors of osteopathic medicine in B.C.

  • Registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia - Osteopaths
  • Completion of the certifying examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada - Osteopaths

Optional: The following certifications are optional to practice as Doctors of osteopathic medicine in B.C.

  • Membership with Osteopathy British Columbia
  • Registration with the British Columbia Osteopathic Association

Registration with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia - Osteopaths

Please confirm with the certifying body that your intended program qualifies you for this certification. To practice as a doctor of osteopathic medicine in BC, you must register with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Eligibility is achieved by graduating from an accredited medical school, writing the Medical Council of Canada qualifying exams, and completing a residency program.

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Completion of the certifying examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada - Osteopaths

Please confirm with the certifying body that your intended program qualifies you for this certification. To practice as a doctor of osteopathic medicine, you must complete the certifying examinations of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Eligibility is achieved through successful completion of a recognized program and the certifying examinations.

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Membership with Osteopathy British Columbia

Please confirm with the certifying body that your intended program qualifies you for this certification. To practice as a doctor of osteopathic medicine in BC, you may choose to register with Osteopathy British Columbia. Eligibility is achieved through graduation from a full-time, 4-year osteopathy program or equivalent.

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Registration with the British Columbia Osteopathic Association

Please confirm with the certifying body that your intended program qualifies you for this certification. To practice as a doctor of osteopathic medicine, you may choose to register with the British Columbia Osteopathic Association. Eligibility is achieved by holding an osteopathic degree conferred by a COCA accredited College of Osteopathic Medicine.

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Post-secondary programs in B.C.

No programs available in B.C.

There are currently no programs offered at public post-secondary institutions in BC that will qualify you for this career. Please see the British Columbia Osteopathic Association website for other options.

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